We are organizing another BVI (British Virgin Islands) trip in February 2025, probably February 8-16 depending on how much interest we have and the boats we end up chartering. We are having an organizational meeting where most of your questions will be answered...dates, boat types, air fares, ferry fees, taxis, fuel, proposed itinerary, total cost estimate, etc...which we estimate - all in, including everything (air fare, ferries, boat, mooring fees, food, misc. fees, fuel) - to be in the neighborhood of $4,500 per person. The big variables are which boats we decide to get and air fare. $4,500 reflects the newest, best boats.
This will be a potluck style meeting...potluck at 6pm...meeting in the back classroom at 6:45pm. So, load up a plate, grab a Painkiller, and see if this trip is for you. (Short answer: It is.)
MEETING DATE: Monday, July 8th
TIME: 6pm Potluck followed by meeting in Classroom at 6:45pm
BRING: Food to share (on signup sheet). We expect high demand, so bring your checkbook if you'd like us to hold a spot for you.
WHO: Adults 18+. You do not need to be a Lake Norman Community Sailing member. Tell a friend.
We plan to Zoom the meeting if you cannot attend in person. If you cannot attend the meeting at all but are interested, put your name on the sheet anyway. Feel free to reply to this email with comments. It's entirely possible that the attendees at the meeting dictate a different date for the charter; in other words, let us know your availability.
If you are a qualified charter captain, let us know.
Hope to see you there!